I had passed a couple of these posts on to one of my buddies at Motorola, since
we and a few others have by chance been having a parallel discussion of such
topics. Check out his message.


This is as crazy as it gets.  I have seen the high end power cables
before and consider this the ultimate in audiophoolishness ... I'm not
sure this is the most expensive example, but it surely establishes that
there is no connection between reality and audiophoolery.

Check it out:  http://www.audioconnect.com/html/pk10_palladian.html 

SWR enhanced!!!!  God, it's so simple, why didn't I think of it?


This one just fit so nicely into our discussions!


-----Original Message-----
Of John Pettitt
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 1:03 AM
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] OT: Audiophoolery

Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 02:21, Bruce Lane wrote:
>>      Discussions involving audiphoolery, particularly where silly things like
$500 knobs and "atomic" references for CD writing are involved, never fail to
amuse me.
>>      With that in mind, and given the current thread about Antelope Audio, I
feel compelled to point out a link which, I think, illustrates one of the peaks
to which "audiophools" will go to satisfy their obsessions.
>>      http://www.monstercable.com/productDisplay.asp?pin=195
>>      I invite all to have a good chuckle over this one. ;-)
>> Keep the peace(es).
> Take a look at this "Aromatherapy and Audiophools" which appeared in
> Electronics World and Wireless World, October 1999. I thought it was so
> funny I scanned it and stuck it on my web site. 
> http://www.g8wrb.org/useful-stuff/audiophools.pdf
I still remember the mercury filled speaker wires post - see also


and in case anybody still needs convincing


"*Harmonic Technology Fantasy

*In our test system Fantasy proved to be an extremely charming cable, it 
is extremely fine and smooth while being able to resolve detail with 
ease. Acoustic space is well defined and instrument tone is pretty good 

Excuse me while I gag.  $900 for a par of 3m wires!


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