
Buy an HP 3586 on eBay (I paid $90 for my HP 3586A with OCXO), lock its 
reference to the GPSDO, set it to 32 MHz and use the LO output. All you 
need is a sturdy shelf (!!!) and a couple of cables. No soldering iron 
required, no PIC programming or anything else :-)

Maybe not the most elegant, but you could find all sorts of things to do 
with an HP 3586...

That will work with all sorts of non-standard Xtal oscillators in the 
400 Hz to 32 MHz range, with 0.1 Hz resolution and pretty darn good 
phase noise.

PS: I have a number of synthesized ham transceivers here, and they all 
have funky reference oscillators...


Bruce Lane wrote:
> Fellow time-clockers,
>       I have an interesting (if a bit annoying) situation. I would like to 
> use one of my existing GPS standards to improve stability on one of my HF 
> transceivers. The problem is that said transceiver, for reasons unknown to 
> me, uses a 32MHz reference oscillator.
>       The highest GPS-lock frequency I have available is 10MHz. Suggestions 
> for using this to produce a 32MHz reference would be welcome, as my skills 
> for this kind of design are a bit rusty.
>       Thanks much.

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