In a message dated 4/28/2007 16:49:40 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>The  Fury is at:

>Tom's  Z3801A #4 is  at:

>Is the Fury  command set the same as the Z3801 or did they add commands for 

>Have Fun,

Hi Brooke,
thanks for the links!
The Fury uses the standard release GPSCon. It implements a lot of  the Z3801A 
commands (the ones needed for GPSCon), but follows more  closely the 
Symmetricom 58503A command set. I think maybe that later  versions of GPSCon 
may have 
additional features to control and identify the  Fury directly, but this is 
not needed due to the Z3801A  legacy emulation.
The site has a link to Colima at the top of the  GPSCon 
real-time listings. There is also a website link to Jackson-Labs and  thus to 
brochure (when clicking on the Fury picture).
Besides the HP legacy commands, there are also a number of additional,  
proprietary SCPI commands to give the user full control of all loop  
check voltages, currents, temperatures, etc etc for  playing around. 
Additionally there is a trace mode feature that can be  used to generate data 
that can be 
read-in directly by i.e. Ulrich Bangert's  Plotter utility or Stable32. This 
uses Windows Hyperterm's capture mode, and  pushes data to Hyperterm at 
user-selectable intervalls.

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