Tom Van Baak wrote:
Depends on what you mean by "real clocks". The best pendulum
clocks, made in the early 1900's, solved almost all the normal
sources of error and instability. That left gravitational tides as
the one of the few remaining sources of "error", down well below
the 1 ppm level. I say error in quotes because if you call them
gravimeters instead of clocks, they we're just doing their job
and did it well. These were real clocks; most of the pendulum
clocks, vintage or modern, that you see are toys.

Specifically, these used aged invar rods, at very low amplitude,
running in partial vacuum inside brass chambers. That helped
reduce buoyancy, humidity, and barometric pressure issues.
They were also either well temperature compensated and were
operated deep in constant-temperature basements.

Some modern attempts at world-class pendulum clocks have
tried fused quartz instead of invar to avoid the reputation that
fresh invar has for long-term instability. A great example is:
You should know Bill had hp cesium clocks in his home clock
collection long before I did.

Those of you really interested in the history, art, and science
of pendulum clocks should see the following six books:

Accurate Clock Pendulums by Robert J. Matthys
Precision Pendulum Clocks, A Trilogy of Books by Derek Roberts
My Own Right Time, by Philip Woodward
The Science of Clocks & Watches, by Arthur L. Rawlings


Even fused silica is unstable (see attachment).
Single crystal materials should be significantly better.
Ageing Invar doesn't do much for its dimensional instability.


<<inline: DimensionalInstability2.gif>>

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