In a message dated 5/27/2007 14:06:11 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>On  5/27/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The CCL  clearly talks about items such as "space qualified oscillators", or
>  "stability better than 1E-011" etc. I am not trying to advise anyone if  

>You mean it the Commerce Control List (CCL) talks about  "space
>qualified _atomic_ frequency  standards".

Again, I am not qualified to make any recommendations about the CCL, or  this 
product, and was not trying to do that. The list is very long, and get's  
updated from time to time. One has to check one's product against the entire  
The exporter has to do that, since they are ultimately responsible. I as an  
exporter would not follow anyone's interpretation of the CCL unless  checking 
it thoroughly myself. You ask three "experts" (lawyers etc) and  get three 
different opinions.
My points were:
A) the exporter has to check the entire CCL against their product. Maybe  
there are internal parts in the product that need to be declared?? Maybe the  
item is totally exempted. Who knows.
This item strikes me as sensitive, since it is an "Ultra High Stability  
Oscillator", and not just a 10MHz Microprocessor crystal.
B) The exporter has to check the CCL against the country that is being  
exported to. If it is blacklisted, an export license is required. The exporter  
liable, since he/she signs the paperwork against penalty of law.
Most countries are probably no problem whatsoever, such as Western Europe,  
New Zealand etc.
C) A harmonized code from the CCL is needed, even if it is an "all clear"  
code. Otherwise Fedex etc. will not ship.
D) You can take the risk and not declare it correctly as has been suggested  
by some folks here. That's just like not paying taxes, you may get away with 
it  most of the time. The one time they check will bite you.
This is especially true here since the events of 2001.
There is a saying in German: "Dummheit schuetzt vor Strafe nicht" loosely  
translated as "Ignorance doesen't prevent penalty"...

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