> Since we're having a lively afternoon (or midnight for our Aussie members) on 
> Time-nuts, and talking about buying and 
> selling
> gear anyway, I think this is a good time to mention something I've been 
> putting off for too long:
> An Oscilloquartz H-maser. For sale.
> I've put some details, pictures and the manuals here: 
> http://www.arclightindustries.com/efos.html
> That page will get some more data over the next few days, and I'm sure there 
> will be tons of questions to answer.
> I hope John will forgive the commercial post, but I figured my fellow 
> Time-nuts would want to be the first to know 
> about a loose
> maser.
> Thanks,
> Scott


No problem posting this on the list. I wish vintage masers would
show up more often. Too bad it's not practical to bring it up
here where I could measure it against mine.

I see it comes with manuals; does it also include the physicist?
(I've heard that, in the early days at least, that each maser
required one full-time physicist to keep it running ;-)

Do you have any comparative NRAO performance data on this
unit? Perhaps not, if it was used stand-alone. But maybe data
was collected against other NRAO masers from time to time over
the years. Any chance you or someone else could get a copy
of those test runs?


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