); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

From: "Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] HP 5370B low frequency modulation
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:14:32 -0600

> ); SAEximRunCond expanded to false
> Magnus,


> Have you used your 5372A reference output to drive the 5370B ref in?
> Certainly easier than switching 10811As.

Lack of wiring isle (wrong spelling last time, sorry) prohibited that. It was
just too hard to get to at that moment. As I have another 10811 inside another
instrument I used that as a reference instead. Thanks to fellow time-nut Björn
who I just came home from I have an easier swap-option exercise to do as he was
kind enought to borrow me another 10811 which was easier to get to. Not in
metrical distance thought, but who cares, I was going there anyways. :-)

Anyway, I have no reason to think that the output buffer board would subtract
frequency for length periods of time, up to a minute. It would mean that what
is more or less amplifiers and logical gates would drop cycles with only one
dynamic and one static signal. It is much more reasnoble to assume that the
10811 itself experience some modulation.


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