); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

In a message dated 9/28/2007 02:07:08 Pacific Daylight Time,  

>In  this context, how stable is a GPSDO?  If I used a Cesium for the sync  
>input, how much fuzz would I see on a GPSDO output if I watched it  wander 
>back and forth for a day?

Hi guys,
forgot to mention: the Fury GPSDO is now available as an OEM PCB with  SMA 
connectors to connect an external OCXO, rather than have one on-board. Any  
steerable 10MHz Oscillator will work, such as Rb's, and even Cesiums with EFC  
Would anyone be interested in these PCB's as a building block for a "home  
made" GPSDO? All that needs to be done is connect an OCXO you may  have laying 
around using the SMA connections, add power and antenna, and  the hardware is 
done. The software can be adjusted to match and  fine-tune different OCXO 
parameters via an RS-232 terminal, and SCPI  (English language) commands.
We are planning to offer these for slightly less than $600 each, and if  
enough interest is here then we may be able to offer a discount for  time-nuts.
Let me know,

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