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From: "Tom Van Baak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] 53131A or 5370B
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 13:35:36 -0800

> I find the 5370 harder to use for casual bench jobs; it's also a huge,
> heavy, sometimes unreliable, noisy beast compared to the compact,
> modern, and highly reliable 53131A/53132A. The 53131A inputs are
> more flexible than the 5370B. Also the talk-only RS232 port (with
> periodic statistics), make logging data from the 53131A very easy
> over any PC serial port.

Still, the 53132A is still quirky, it's user interface leaves a few things to
desire. The Pendulum CNT-90 (some of you know it as Fluke PM6690) is a much
smoother ride on the bench. Hell, I every other week I feel like taking the
drive home just to pick the CNT-90 up and get back so I can work properly.

Trouble is, the CNT-90 isn't lying around everywhere like the 53131A/53132A.
It's a pitty, I wish more guys had it on the bench...

The realtime plots and histograms is really helpfull in getting a feel of what
is going on. Should be a must on everybodys bench...


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