); SAEximRunCond expanded to false

[EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 11/10/2007 06:25 PM:

> I lost access to my Teknet manual download account a while back,  the 
> explanation being that AOL had blocked them from sending to any AOL  user.
> When they complained, AOL refused to deal with them because they weren't an  
> AOL client, that's what Teknet told me anyway, so Teknet  passed it back to 
> their AOL users and made it our problem.
> The AOL instruction to me, when I tried to query it, was to ask the sender  
> to contact them to resolve the problem, which smells strongly of a very lost  
> cause:-(

When AOL blacklisted febo.com for this reason a couple of years ago, I
spent eight hours -- I am not exaggerating -- on the phone with three
different help desks before I got someone to agree to review my case.
Ultimately they relented and opened things up.

After that, I signed up for AOL's whitelist service which forwards these
"TOS Notification" messages and at least gives me the benefit of the
doubt.  But too many supposed spams, and I can lose that status.  I'd
prefer to avoid that. :-)


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