Hi Bill,

If the Chinese maker put his name on the parts in a visible location,
then nobody would be fooled, and without the ability to fool the customer,
there is no market.

This is not a supply of Ebauche repair parts that I am talking about.

It is more like the guys that are making and selling copies of Rolex cases,
dials, and hand sets that can be used to turn a cheap quartz movement
into a Rolex replica.  The parts are being supplied in the interest
of committing fraud, not facilitating repairs.

-Chuck Harris

WB6BNQ wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> I was not admiring anything, just presenting a different view point.
> The point was if a company does not want to support a product of interest, 
> and there is enough of
> an interest, then it will get supplied by others at some point.
> As to the fraud aspect, that is why I said they should be up front and put 
> their own name on the
> product instead of those who they copy.
> Bill....WB6BNQ

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