That's one advantage of using PDF in that kind of situation.  The "slide
show" presentation isn't quite as nice as with PowerPoint or OO, but
it's much more independent of the environment on the machine.

And, of course, OO has a very nice "Export to PDF" option available for
all its modules (write, draw, calc).


Daun Yeagley said the following on 12/10/2007 05:04 PM:
> Chuck:
> HOW TRUE your last sentence!!!   I've had to fight many battles with
> presentations used in training classes that were written using whatever font.
> Then when you try to present using a machine that doesn't have that particular
> font installed, you get a HUGE mess!  We've even tried going to embedding 
> fonts
> in the presentations, but even that doesn't always work.
> I just did some training for the Air Force, so I had to use one of their
> computers, since it was part of a really nice classroom setup complete with 
> rear
> projection.  However, they had very few fonts on that machine, and it made 
> some
> of this slides, especially ones with formulas on them, total gibberish.  Talk
> about throwing you off guard!  I'd review the material in my hotel room the
> night before, but when I put the questionable slides up, it would totally
> confuse me.  As a result, my student evaluations weren't so hot.  (one 
> commenter
> said "the instructor seemed like he was "winging it"").  I might as well have
> been!
> Daun 
> -----Original Message-----
> Of Chuck Harris
> Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 4:43 PM
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] John Vig elected President of IEEE
> Bruce Griffiths wrote:
>>>> I wish somebody could make a pdf of that, I don't have (and don't
>>>> want!) access to Powerpoint[1].
>>> Sure you do, it is called: "" ;-)
>>> -Chuck Harris
>> Chuck
>> That method isnt always very successful especially when newer versions
>> of powerpoint are used to generate the slides.
>> For this particular powerpoint file OpenOffice renders some text on at
>> least one page unreadable.
>> In the case of html pages (at least with Linux or FreeBSD) converting to
>> pdf files can be done by first printing to a postscript file and then
>> opening the resultant postscript file with Ghostview and then printing
>> it to a pdf file.
>> Bruce
> Hi Bruce,
> The difference you are seeing is because there is no equivalent font, on
> your system, to the microsoft patented font specified in this Powerpoint
> document. makes a best guess as to what the document wanted, and
> uses that for display.
> Unfortunately, the best guess is about 5% larger in size.
> This comes about because, Microsoft apparently didn't understand the
> internationally standardized font sizes when they wrote their Office
> suite.  The open source folks refuse to adapt to broken software as a
> default condition.  I believe if you install the intentionally broken
> Open source clone of the True Type fonts, you will see the presentation
> as its author intended (+/- minor changes to stay legal).
> Powerpoint has its own problems dealing with documents that were made
> on differing Powerpoint versions, as does the rest of the MSOffice suite.
> -Chuck Harris
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