I'm still pretty new to the whole time keeping thing.  Currently I just
run an ntp server for the ntp pool.  I've been looking at some ways to
get direct reference but without being expensive.  Only thing I've seen
within my budget so far is the garmin gps receivers that people like.
Problem is the server is in a high security colo center and I doubt they
would let me drill a hole in the roof to put a gps receiver.  I have
started to see this 5mhz frequency quartz oscilators that are really
inexpensive (see
http://www.alltronics.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?item=04P010 ).  My
question, how would you get this to work with ntpd?  Seems like it work
great for my situation where I can just put inside the rack behind the
server, use some ntp servers to get the time to within 1 msec usually
and then use this to get into the nanosecond accuracy.

Only information I've looked at so far in using direct reference is
looking at the gps receivers.  I did find information about using a
"clock shaper" to convert the oscillator to a digital pps signal (see
http://www.ko4bb.com/Timing/ClockShaper.html ) but that first one just
looks really cryptic to me with knowing very little in the way of
electronics.  Has anyone made one of these and made a more "dumbed down"
writeup on how to set it up?

I've tried scanning a few months back in the archives and only really
came accross the above mentioned site.  Anyone have any other resources
I can look into?  Thanks.

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