On Thursday 13 December 2007 09:40:39 pm Jeffrey Pawlan wrote:

> The problem is definitely not in my Sun workstation which is fortunately
> running unix so it is impervious to all the bad people out there. But I
> have noticed that sites target the locale of the IP address that is trying
> to access the URL.

For stuff like this, it matters less what operating system you use than what 
web browser you use -- and they all have had vulnerabilities so make sure you 
keep it updated.

You can also be attacked via the DNS server you use -- in which case your 
operating system is completely irrelevant.

> Then depending on the laws of that country and also the whims of the site
> owner, one will get very different things. So from New Zealand you are
> seeing one thing and from Calif I am seeing another. It is referred to as
> targeted ads.

Don't know about this specific case, but it often has nothing to do with 
the "whims of the site owner". If they sell advertising space through a third 
party, they are at least partly at the mercy of who the third party resells 
the ad space to. Even sites that sell through Google Ads get nailed with bad 
stuff once in a while because people manage to sneak stuff past them.

- Bob

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