Didier Juges wrote:
> Other than that, in my experience, NI products have been remarkably
> compatible in the last 10 years, from a 30,000 feet level (plug pretty much
> anything into anything and it will work with any NI software, even though
> performance will vary and you may need new drivers). Exceptions are things
> like the bus snooping mode (forgot the name) which is only supported on the
> internal, bus type adapters (not USB unfortunately).

I can give you another annoying exception. The PCI card NI makes will 
fit in a Sun SPARC (or UltraSPARC) based workstation, and works fine up 
to versions 9 of Solaris. Then, with version 10 of Solaris, there is a 
problem. The reason is that NI GPIB cards have always used the driver 
name "ib" on Solaris. Since the first release of Solaris 10, Sun decided 
to create a driver called "ib" for InfiniBand - obviously unaware 
National Instruments had been using that driver name. Hence if you try 
to install an NI GPIB card in a Sun running Solaris 10, you are likely 
to get a problem.

If you don't need InfiniBand. support, then the solution is to remove 
the InfiniBand driver and any packages which depend on it, in the 
correct order, which the following line does.

# pkgrm SUNWudapltr SUNWudapltu SUNWtavor SUNWrpcib SUNWipoib SUNWib

I managed to get Sun talking to National Instruments about this, but I 
note in the latest release of Solaris 10, the "ib" driver is still 
present. I also note that NI have not produced a driver which they claim 
works in Solaris 10. There's more info in this thread, which I have just 
updated the first time in a couple of years, to reflect my understanding 
of it now.


BTW, National Instruments sbus cards (fit older Suns) are cheap on eBay 
and so are the old sbus based Suns. But NI want a small fortune for 
Solaris drivers (399 UK pounds, which is about 800 US Solaris). But a 
cheap SPARC 20, sbus card, drivers (if you have them lying around) and 
Solaris 9 makes a pretty cheap and reliable system for GPIB. A 
SPARCstation 20 is pretty compact and works fine without a keyboard or 
moitor (use serial line to set it up, then ethernet afterwards).

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