Bruce Griffiths wrote:
> Didier Juges wrote:
>> I don't believe these are RF detectors, they look like switching diodes.
>> Even though they are Shottkys, the spec says they have a 5nS reverse
>> recovery time ???
>> That would be too slow for a 1 GHz counter.
>> I use a lot of BAV99, and while not being Shottkys, they have about the same
>> reverse recovery and 15% of the capacitance.
>> Didier KO4BB
> Didier
> HSMS282X series appears usable to 4GHz.
> HMPS282X series are usable to 6GHz.
> Mouser carry some of these.
> Bruce
A PIN limiter diode may be more effective for protection against higher 
input power levels.

Mouser carry the HSMP4820 series.


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