Don, One effect I have observed on uP clock generators is that fully differential circuits which utilize the crossover of complementary signals are capable of lower jitter performance than single ended circuits. At least 2 performance gains are obvious; 1) the effective p-p swings are doubled 2) ground & power supply noise are mostly common mode & have limited influence on the crossover timing
These circuits tend to operate into controlled, low impedance loads from controlled, low impedance sources resulting in reduced ringing & other aberrations. Lastly, these circuits change state with as little change in internal operating point(s) as practical, so power supply current transients are minimal. Some previous posts have referred to "slope-to-noise" ratio. I don't know that such a parameter exits, but the concept seems useful. For digital circuits, it would seem that the potential for metastability & threshold uncertainty, is reduced when the slope-to-noise ratio is optimized. I wonder if this concept is, or can be quantified? Pete Rawson _______________________________________________ time-nuts mailing list -- To unsubscribe, go to and follow the instructions there.