This is to poke my head in, and to share a simple multichannel
phase comparator/monitor that turned out to be useful.

I have a few homebuilt boxes that will do ~100ps timestamps,
I have other uses for them, and tying them up with a single
long term experiment is unacceptable. So I needed a phase
comparator that I could rebuild in an hour if I wanted to,
something in the spirit of TVB's PIC16 divider.
Something simple.

The idea is this:
Beat a number of 10MHz inputs against another clock frequency
using the input flipflops in a microcontroller as samplers,
sample a number of times to cover the phase circle, and
calculate the phase. Beating against 11.0592MHz gives a period
of 3456 clocks, sampling every 8 clocks gives 432 samples, that
should give 230ps resolution. Add clock jitter and aperture
jitter, and precision should be around 500ps.
How much performance can one get for $10?


When comparing a 10MHz source with itself through
a cable delay, the peak noise is 400ps. That's for a
300-microsecond acquisition time, which means the
update rate is limited by how fast I can compute the
vector and shovel data over to a PC. When monitoring
beating 10MHz sources with an adjusted  (-3ppm)
microcontroller clock, it's about 600ps peak.
When misadjusted to be -30 ppm off, it's 1.1ns peak.

At the moment there is only a crude windows program for
turning the output into decimal plottable data, so some
programming skill or beer drinking friend with programming
skill is required, as well as knowledge of what one wants to
measure (that's usually the hard part).

source, hex:

I'm aware that 600ps is a very large figure in a lot of
cases but for my oscillators it's good enough.

/Kasper Pedersen.

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