Chris Kuethe wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Tim Cwik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have changed line 66 to:
>>  gpsd_set_speed(session, session->gpsdata.baudrate, 'N', 1);
>> This results in:
>> [goodness snipped]
>> I hope this is progress, but I am not sure why gpsd closes the port and
>> who sends signal 2.
> it's a power saving feature for use on laptops. Close the tty to allow
> the chip to idle unless there's an actual consumer of data attached.
> If this bothers you (as it does for me), run with "-n", which causes
> gpsd to camp on the device, even if no consumer process is asking for
> gps data.
> i assume you terminated gpsd with ^C? That's SIGINT or signal #2.
Thanks, Chris and Christian. I knew about the -n. I usually run gpsd 
that way. When I used -N for troubleshooting, I saw -n. Today was not my 
day for multi-tasking. Same dumbness with ^C.
>> Is anyone using the thunderbolt with gpsd or are we breaking new ground?
> You're breaking new ground. There are a whole lot of gpsd developers
> who have actual posession of thunderbolts.... not. Haven't seen the
> original TSIP author around in a while and aside from a Copernicus
> still in the anti-static packaging, I don't have anything that would
> help update the driver. TSIP isn't a terribly complicated driver, but
> I dislike changing the drivers without having actual hardware and a
> regression test.
With the serial comms straightened out, I see some data in the logs:

Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
0 PRN 17 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 36.7 LMT 527739.1875 El 17.1 Az 245.4
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
1 PRN 7 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 42.6 LMT 527739.1875 El 51.2 Az 180.3
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
2 PRN 19 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 38.7 LMT 527739.1875 El 32.2 Az 51.1
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
3 PRN 28 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 41.7 LMT 527739.1875 El 37.9 Az 304.4
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
4 PRN 11 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 42.9 LMT 527739.1875 El 61.8 Az 147.3
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
5 PRN 8 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 43.4 LMT 527739.1875 El 69.1 Az 265.3
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:38 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
6 PRN 25 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 39.4 LMT 527739.1875 El 32.8 Az 173.0
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x5c, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x5c length 24: 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Satellite Tracking Status: Ch 
7 PRN 27 Res 0 Acq 1 Eph 2 SNR 43.9 LMT 527739.1875 El 57.6 Az 198.5
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Sent TSIP packet id 0x21:
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Sent TSIP packet id 0x24:
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: <= GPS: 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x41, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x41 length 10: 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: ntpshm_put: Clock: 1213410925 
@ 1213381659.053281
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: GPS Time 527739.500000 1483 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x6d, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x6d length 25: 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Sat info: mode 1, satellites 
used 8: 17 7 19 28 11 8 25 27
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Sat info: DOP P=0.0 H=0.0 
V=0.0 T=1.0 G=1.0
un 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: <= GPS: 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x8f, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x8f length 17: 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Unhandled TSIP superpacket 
type 0xab
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x8f, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x8f length 68: 

Jun 13 14:27:39 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Unhandled TSIP superpacket 
type 0xac
Jun 13 14:27:40 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x8f, packetlen= 
Jun 13 14:27:40 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP packet id 0x8f length 17: 
Jun 13 14:27:40 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: Unhandled TSIP superpacket 
type 0xab
Jun 13 14:27:40 nwhale gpsd[26652]: gpsd: TSIP pkt_id = 0x8f, packetlen= 

The Sat data seems to make it to cgps, but it does not see a position, 
time, or fix:

Time: n/a ??PRN: Elev: Azim: SNR: Used: ?
? Latitude: n/a ?? 17 18 246 41 Y ?
? Longitude: n/a ?? 7 50 180 42 Y ?
? Altitude: n/a ?? 19 31 052 40 Y ?
? Speed: n/a ?? 28 39 305 42 Y ?
? Heading: n/a ?? 11 63 145 42 Y ?
? Climb: n/a ?? 8 69 261 40 Y ?
? Status: NO FIX (20 secs) ?? 25 31 173 39 Y ?
? GPS Type: Trimble TSIP 3.0 020627 1 ?? 27 56 198 42 Y ?
? Horizontal Err: n/a ?? ?
? Vertical Err: n/a ?? ?
? Course Err: n/a ?? ?
? Speed Err: n/a ?? ?

I will look at the TSIP. Maybe I can make some sort of contribution. But 
I may wind up with all sorts of questions. Please let me know when I am 
being a pest.
I am not sure about your workload and I know the Copernicus is calling 
you, but I have a THunderbolt I can loan you if that would help your 
development direction.

Again, thanks for your help.


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