I have modified my Thunderbolt data dumper program to be a (not ready for prime 
time) control program/ real time data grapher.  A few initial observations:

The PPS ns error number curve basically mirrors the DAC voltage curve... one 
goes up,  the other goes down.

The PPS error and DAC voltage curves show instantaneous discontinuities 
whenever the satellite constellation changes (which for me can be from a few to 
dozens of times per hour).

The OSC ppb error number graph looks like spikey noise.  The envelope basically 
tracks the DAC voltage curve.

The temperature curve looks sine wavey (probably tracking air conditioning 
cycles).  There are occasional (mayby a couple per hour) 50 millidegree or so 
instantaneous positive spikes in the data that then decay over 30 seconds back 
to the original smooth curve.  These occur on all three units that I have (Rev 
2.2 and 3.0 firmware,  different types of power supplies on each one).

A dozen or so self surveys produced latitude and longitude values spread over 
0.00001 degrees (1 meter).  The altitude values were spread over 7 meters.

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