you are propably fully right!

>And you caught the most important part:

>>Burden on importers
>>In the agreement with the Council, the European Parliament underlines
>>that importers must place only compliant products on the Community
>>market. Before placing a product on the market importers must ensure
>>that [...]

>The important thing in this clause is "placing a product on the market".

>As long as you import things directly into EU, and never sell them
>again, there is no requirement for CE marking.


when reading this:

[...] "For the purpose of law  all importers are treated as producers. (Ref 
article 3 council directive (85/374/EEC) [!!!]

This is the reason that Importers in Europe are so much worried about CE 
Marking on the product they import because one failure of product in the market 
can ruin earnings of many years.

" To safeguard their interest the importer needs CE marking from a notified 
body.Without CE Mark- complainant is awarded the damage and manufacturer is 
liable without limit. With CE Mark- the injured person shall 
be required to prove the damage, the defect and the causal relationship between 
defect and damage "[...]

If I do import and not sell to others, I should have no problems, I am 
responsible for - myself (!), 
I am as importer the 'producer' (a.m.) for my own needs if I see it right. 
Nobody will ask (in case of single items or very small quantities for my own 
needs), but I may have problems to claim for something in case of trouble 
when the product is not safe...


It is the sole responsibility of the Manufacturer/ Seller to identify the 
applicable Directives[...]

Arnold, DK2WT

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