
Well said! Your comment about "giving up in trying" reminds me of an epiphany I 
had recently.  

As a young, extremely intelligent and opinionated man, I once believed that the 
world was populated with 
stupid versions of me.  It took me many years to conclude that other people's 
opinions might actually have 
some value to me, and many more years to allow that their opinions didn't have 
to have value to me in order 
to be respected. 

In my case, I think it was mostly a matter of time spent in this fascinating 
world that drew me (or grew 
me) to the conclusion that diversity of opinion is one of the things that 
_makes_ this a fascinating world 
(albeit, often contentious.)

Regarding the OS religious wars: as an old boss once said (I think regarding 
CP/M vs MSDOS): "Operating 
System, Schmoperating System - can it run PASCAL?"


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