
In the late 1950's early 1960's FM stereo did not yet exist.  The method used 
was to use a receiver that could tune AM or FM but allowed receiving both at 
the same time.  So a station in S.F., maybe K101 got frequency assignments so 
that with one dial pointer position you were tuned to one of their stations on 
FM and the other on AM.  Later they used the new FM stereo broadcast system

One of their "sounds" was an earthquake and I think it was the one with the 
warning to not turn up the volume too high, because you may blow your speakers.
That may have been the source for "Earthquake Ethel's"?  James Gabbard 
(spelling? was the host)

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke, N6GCE
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Daun Yeagley wrote:
> Now *that* sounds like a lot of fun!
> Many years ago I was in Beaverton, OR (yeah, TEK land), and there was this
> disco called "Earthquake Ethel's". I guess they had a pretty fancy sound
> system.... the feature every evening at around 9 pm (don't remember the real
> time)... they had an "earthquake".  I leave the description to your
> imagination!
> Also, a lot of years ago (including high school and college), my thing was
> to do lights and sound for theater.
> Daun 
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Mark Sims
> Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 5:57 PM
> To: time-nuts@febo.com
> Subject: [time-nuts] Sound and time
> Does a 7 megawatt seismic generator count?  Basically the world's largest
> sub woofer...
> ----------------------------------------
> At 12:16 PM +0000 10/11/08, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>> As former sound technician...
> I used to do that stuff too, being the bass player/sound guy in a cheesy bar
> band. Loads of fun!
> Any more time nuts with sound reinforcement experience?

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