Thanks for the pointer.  I've taken a look at the AD8317.  My main concern
is whether it will operate accurately over the full range of frequency as
the specification suggests a low frequency of 1MHz.

On the accuracy front, the data sheet seems to suggest +/-0.25dB over the
-50dBm to -10dBm range and rather better (probably within my target) at the
-40dBm to -10dBm range.   So I guess a directional coupler IC (are there
such things, and would that be the right part to pick off a sample portion
of the signal over such a large frqeuncy range, or is there a better
solution?) and an attenuator chip would do the job.   For ultimate accuracy
I'd need to keep a table of output correction values against frequency which
would mean adding a microcontroller - which I was rather hoping to avoid.

This looks more do-able with off the shelf parts than I'd expected.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of WB6BNQ
Sent: 15 December 2008 11:40
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] OT: Levelled sine wave generator

What about some of the "log" detector made by Analog Devices ?



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