Mark Sims wrote:
> Well,  I did the experiment....  I put the unit into holdover,  spritzed the 
> DS1620 temp sensor with cold spray,  no immediate change in the DAC voltage 
> was seen.  Then about 10 seconds later the DAC reading shot up.  After a 
> minute or so,  the temp reading was rapidly rising its way to normal and the 
> DAC voltage was dropping,  lagging by about 10 seconds.
> Looks like the temperature definitely sensor affects holdover compensation...
> And yes Bruce,  I agree that the software filtering does not increase the 
> accuracy of the readings.  I think they do it to smooth out the control 
> voltage changes that the temp sensor readings lead to.

Smoothing will not occur unless there is some dither in the system.
Small temperature fluctuations will suffice as will sufficient noise in
the temperature measurement.


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