
   That you for the quick and knowledgeable responses.

   I now know that I'm going to have to come up with a user-level
software fix. In fact I have already 'hacked' one telescope's control
system to ignore the year and doy in favor of the Linux system's
year and doy.

   The other telescope is going to be much harder as it uses VME crate-ed
VxWork systems and have no real sense of clock time. Fortunately, I'm
able to run that telescope on a backup Spectracom WWVB -> IRIG-B clock
until I can fix this.

   Corby, I would be most interested in updated EEPROMS if they can be

   Thanks to everyone for your help.



      _/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/_/_/   _/_/_/_/_/_/   Thomas W. Folkers
     _/        _/  _/        _/   _/        _/   Telescope Operations Mgr.
    _/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/_/_/   _/        _/   Arizona Radio Observatory
   _/        _/  _/    _/       _/        _/   Steward Observatory
  _/        _/  _/      _/     _/        _/   933 N. Cherry Ave. Rm. 154
_/        _/  _/        _/   _/_/_/_/_/_/   Tucson, Arizona 85721
----------------------------------------   email: tfolk...@email.arizona.edu
----------------------------------------  Voice: (520) 626-7837
- http://aro.as.arizona.edu/             Fax:   (520) 621-5554
                                         Home:  (520) 297-5250
-------------------------------------  Cell:  (520) 909-1113

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