Att NZ Time nuts:

Normally National Radio (AM and FM) is a reasonable source of time in
New Zealand, and the time pips are normally within about 200 ms of UTC
atomic time (due to coding delays in the digital transfer of the audio

However today at 11am and Noon (local time 18 May 2009) I noticed the
time pips were 1 second SLOW compared with 2 GPS timing systems I

I am assuming my GPS clocks I have are correct (too early here to get
WWVH reception). National Radio uses a land line feed from the NZ
standard (atomic) clocks, so it is a little strange to have such a
large error as one second!

So if there are any time nuts in NZ, you may like to listen to the
time pips on National radio this afternoon to see if you can detect
the one second difference.

Hoping the one second delta is not me!

Regards, Geoff (Christchurch, NZ).

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