They suggest you add a small amount of chlorine bleach to water
containers you store for natural disaster emergencies. You also need
to replace the water on a regular basis even with the bleach in it.
Here in Christchurch, New Zealand, they don't even chlorinate the
water we drink, it comes straight out of a natural aquifer underneath
us. As for the long term effects of bleach on plastic bottles, one
would imagine that it would accelerate the breakdown of the plastic.
Interestingly, someone in the know, talking about land-fill sites,
suggested that there is essentially no breakdown of these items when
they are fully embeded in the fill. Luckily we recycle almost
everything here but it would make interesting finds for future

A glass vessel with a stabilised rubber stopper or lapped glass
stopper and wax sealed would seemingly be better for long term use and
the glass should conduct the heat better than plastic for our xtal
oven ballast. But glass is not a solid, it's a liquid after all and
would eventually find the lowest point with time. Mind you, that is a
very long time. The other thing that comes to mind is that
state-change salt type of liquid that absorbs energy well. Of course,
you could use an eskey if it was not holding the beer and may be a
less smelly alternative than a used fridge at room temp.


2009/6/15 Didier Juges <>:
> Here in Florida, we routinely store water in prevision of the next big one.
> Plastic water bottles (any brand) start looking funny (shrunk) after a few
> months, and downright scary (as in: you don't want to drink from THAT) after
> a year or so.
> It seems the gallon jugs do somewhat better than the smaller bottles. I had
> jugs that still looked OK after a year, but not good after two. The pastic
> seems much thicker, and maybe it slows down the process?
> It's been like that for as long as I have lived here, i.e. since 1985. I do
> not know if it is related to the climate. It makes no appreciable difference
> if the water is stored in the garage (no A/C) or in the house.
> Didier KO4BB
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Thomas A. Frank
>> Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 12:16 PM
>> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Thunderbolt stability and ambient temperature
>> More to the point, you will be disappointed to find the bottles will
>> NOT last that long.
>> Cleaning out the cupboard recently, I can across some bottled water
>> that had 1998 date codes.  Several had leaked, but one was still
>> intact enough to show the likely problem.  It would appear that over
>> the past 10 years, the gases dissolved in the water migrated through
>> the plastic (or the cap seal), resulting in a vacuum forming in the
>> bottle.  This distended the bottles and caused structural failure.
>> Either that, or the water caused the plastic to shrink.
>> Glass would probably fair better.
>> Tom Frank, KA2CDK
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A man with one clock knows what time it is;
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