Thanks all.

Let's explain why I would like to look at orbiting crystals.
In brief, along with some friends of mine, I am carrying some 
experimental work in the field of gravitational anomalies, and
tests with vibrating matter are part of this work. 
This field of research has a background also in the work of 
others with atomic clocks. As an example, the Chinese 
Professor S.W.Zhou believed that at least one of his cesium 
clocks changed its rate in the path of a solar eclipse. See

Look simply at the graphs. Zhou believed that cesium itself 
changed its rate, and instead I believe that the cesium-
steered crystal "jumped". The plots actually would suggest 

Yes, crystal jumps are rare events. By "jump" I mean what has 
been well described by Magnus. I had never observed one at 
home, but clear examples may be often seen on the online GPSDO
in Colima, Mexico.

Making experiments during eclipses would almost always mean 
that a measuring instrument should be put in the eclipse path.
This is not always possible, or at least it is quite 
expensive. So, I thought to take advantage of remote crystals 
that could transmit data about themselves while crossing 

As far as I can understand, crystal jumps may not be due only 
to strain release, but also to rapid migration from one to 
another metastable state and vice-versa. I'm wondering if this
could also occur in the presence of special gravitational 
circumstances such as during eclipses. We have clues (and even
more the prior art has) that eclipses are special from the 
gravitational point of view (something strange and 
unpredictable does occur, looks like the forces do not play as
expected) but we have not yet devised the ultimate 
undisputable test. We are still collecting clues, and the 
behavior of crystals in the eclipse path could give its 

Maybe the probability to get a significant result is not worth
the effort of setting up, but I would like to explore this.

Thanks for the tips and for cautioning me against the possible
problems. Anyway I take from this brief discussion that there 
might be some possibility. I will meditate about.

Antonio I8IOV

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