Hi Mike,
Try http://ep.espacenet.com/ It's an offical european site that also searches 
US and World Patents. Very flexible search options and no registration 
required. You do have to type in the code from a graphic image if you want to 
download a full PDF. That is a small price to pay to keep the bots out.

Robert G8RPI.

--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Mike Monett <xde-l...@myamail.com> wrote:

> From: Mike Monett <xde-l...@myamail.com>
> Subject: [time-nuts] Google Patent Search is Broken
> To: time-nuts@febo.com
> Date: Wednesday, 1 July, 2009, 2:27 AM
>   The Google  patent 
> search 
> is   a   very 
> useful  for  studying GPS
>   technology, precision 
> oscillators,   etc.   It 
> has  been extremely
>   reliable in  the past, but today it started
> giving an  error message
>   after downloading only 5 patents. The error message
> is:
>   Google Error
>   Forbidden Your client does not have permission to
> get URL
>   /patents/download/xxx.pdf?id=yyyy from this server.
>   Rebooting and clearing the cookies didn't help. I
> have a  static IP,
>   so Google knows when I am trying to download a
> patent, and  it gives
>   this error message instead.
>   There are a few other free patent services, but they
> require logging
>   on, they  aren't  as  easy to use,
> and they  don't  have  the search
>   options that  google  has.  They
> also  give  larger  pdf  files than
>   google. For  example, here is US patent
> #6134065 by  an  old friend,
>   Steve Brittenham, who used to work at HP Boisie:
>   Service      Bytes
>   FreePatent : 80,794
>   Wikipatent : 543,465
>   Google     : 66,014
>   The urls are
>   http://www.freepatentsonline.com/
>   http://www.wikipatents.com/
>   Another service  I often use is
> www.pat2pdf.org, but it seems  to be
>   offline today.
>   So the best option is still google, but how to get
> around the static
>   ip problem?
>   The solution  is a free proxy. There are many
> on the web -  this one
>   works fine:
>   http://www.freeproxysite.com/
>   I used the "TOP 10 proxies by clicks", and selected
> German-Proxy.de
>   From there, I went to
>   http://www.google.com/advanced_patent_search?hl=en&num=30
>   entered a patent number, and downloaded it with no
> problems.
>   I don't know what is causing the problem at google,
> but this appears
>   to solve it. If you run into this and find it starts
> giving problems
>   again, just select another proxy and continue
> working!
>   Mike
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