Hi again Steve...

I found this:-
looking arround for any hints of IE and Linux.

I'm wondering if it's more a problem of no ActivX in FireFox on 'nix,
than any Java issue as such?

OK on the self contained NTP boxes appearing time to time (punn not
intended!)   Trouble is, from memory I never see such stuff available on
the UK site, or that US sellers will ship overseas.  Cant say I blame
them sometimes though.

I'll keep 'em peeled just in case.

Best Regards.

Dave B

> -----Original Message-----
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 09:11:21 +0100
> From: "Dave Baxter" <d...@uk-ar.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS just got very accurate
> To: <time-nuts@febo.com>
> Message-ID:
>       <fad0f39d8fa7f440861941a74b1ae5602fd...@sbsserver.aremv.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain;     charset="us-ascii"
> > Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 01:46:07 +1200
> > From: Steve Rooke <sar10...@gmail.com>
> > Subject: [time-nuts] GPS just got very accurate
> > 
> > Was just checking the GPS status page of my Truetime NTP 
> server and it 
> > reported "Number of Satellites Tracked  892"!
> > Quite apart from it only being able to track 8 birds, since 
> when has 
> > NASA suddenly become that busy sending sats into space, it would be 
> > quite a log-jam up there :-)
> > 
> > Refresh of page gave the correct answer, 5. Maybe it's 
> something to do 
> > with the firmware needing MS Java VM to make it work and 
> that is not 
> > supported any more. Anyone know if there is a firmware update for 
> > these devices so that it can work with SUN Java?
> > 
> > 73,
> > Steve
> > --
> > Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD & JAKDTTNW A man with one clock knows 
> > what time it is; A man with two clocks is never quite sure.
> Hi Steve...
> MS's JVM is still documented at...
> http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/java/default.mspx
> with links to all sorts of related stuff.  I'm sure you could 
> find the download from some archive somewhere if you poke 
> about the web.
> As to self contained GPS diciplined NTP servers, they seem to 
> be like rocking horse do-do's on the surplus market, hence my 
> increasing dabbling in FreeBSD and it's aledged ability to do 
> such things well, given a PPS capable GPS gadget, and some 
> messing about recompiling the
> kernel with an extra option or two enabled.   I have the hardware, I
> have the software, I just need the time to make it all work!
> Regards...
> Dave B (G8KBV/G0WBX   I can legaly talk to myself!  Still get no sense
> though...)
> My need for reliable NTP time?  (Something my ISP seems to 
> find dificult to do!) http://g8kbv.homeip.net:8008/

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