Regarding the effect of solar eclipse on timekeepers,
The obvious variables of gravity and temperature can be monitored,
but what about neutrino flux?
There is quite a lot of neutrino energy passing through the planet
and it would take a lump like the moon to make a significant change in the flux. Of course if the flux was a variable there would be a daily cycle, but maybe
we can not separate that from other diurnal signals.
Just and idea,
Cheers, Neville Michie

On 09/07/2009, at 3:18 AM, wrote:

Hi Steve,
for the meaning of jump we are accepting here I would have seen a more ripid rising slope, but....who knows?

I would ask you a favour. I would be very pleased to see your Z3805 traces for the week centered approx on July 22 02:30 UT. There will be a total solar eclipse on the Pacific area. No matter that you are not in the eclipse path, I'm collecting any possible kind of data. Would it be possible?

Could any other member of the list help with their traces?

Antonio I8IOV

Attached plot of jump in my Z3805. Looks like there was a jump and
then then a rapid track back to the "normal" frequency drift. Comments


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