I use a Variac routinely to turn on instruments that have been unused for more than a few months. Electrolytic capacitors will often come good if slowly brought up to voltage. Recently I resurrected a WW2 "Command" receiver that had been stored for 40 years. I hooked up a power supply and set it to 10% of line voltage and increased it 10% at hourly intervals. Slowly warming up the device gives the electrolytics to form up, even the paper capacitors get a
chance to warm and dry out a bit.
For fault finding, starting at zero volts you can watch the rectifiers start to take up the load, the voltage regulators cut in when the supply reaches the regulation voltage and generally locate
any overloads before the smoke gets out.
The main problem is with switching regulators that abruptly cut in at some voltage,
a series tungsten filament lamp helps with them to avoid smoke release.
It always pays to turn it on slowly.

Neville Michie

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