David C. Partridge wrote:
Question: How many chromosomes does a white rat have?

A crucial question if the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42
and you happen to be a pan-dimensional being masquerading as a white
laboratory rat ...

Yes I know the book specifies white mice (chromosome count of 40 not 42),
but I put that down to species mis-identification by Douglas Adams
Inconsequensive is part of the goal in that five-book-triology. It's a fundamental feature.

The one time it wasn't inconsequensive was the transcripts from the radio series which actually matched the radio-series. So, don't expect there to be a single thing that is 100% correct in that universe. Ever.

PS. "What is 6 times 7?" was mentioned in one of the variants of the books.

The Mice and Men reference is so inconsequential correct that it made me smile. :)

Magnus - related to phone sanitors?

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