"g"  "o"  "Rtn"  to turn the Osc Freq plot on

Can set the plot scale factors for better readability so that the Osc freq plot does not obscure the other plots:
m  o  Esc  100  Rtn                  Sets Osc Freq to 100 ppt/div
m p Esc 10 Rtn                        Set  Phase PPS to 10 ns/div

For even better visibility you can offset the two above plots by + and - 1 div using:
z o 100 Rtn
z p -10  Rtn

and disable the counts plot with:
g c Rtn

and disable the ADEV plots with:
g a Rtn

Note this can all be done in the command line call with:
heather.exe /go /mo=100 /mp=10  ... ...

LH is a great and flexible program that can be customized in many ways

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Lady Heather question

warren writes:

I'm  seeing all the  plots  other than the frequency  deviation.

Osc plot defaults to off,
"g"  "o" turns it on
Push space bar for the Information screen

Ah, thank you, didn't know that.

RTFM comes to mind:-)

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