----- Original Message -----
There is a good list of time signals on the web site of the BIPM:
in the "Time Signals" in the Scales division of the FTP server of the Time, Frequency and Gravimetry section. The most recent is dated 2008.
Jean-Louis Oneto

Dear Jean-Louis and all the others, thanks for all the input.

In fact I have considered other time stations, but the precision of the DCF77 (if I'm not mistaken is plus/minus 2*10^-12) and the HBG (the same precision) made them very good candidates. The active antenna is probably a good investiment (Conrad or custom made), since the unit itself is located inside a building with many equipments generating alot of electrical noise.

I will also try tomorrow a loop antenna. Just for the sake of it, I have an old radio at home that have an antenna like that and I will see if that works.


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