There is an article in Circuit Cellar magazine that you need to read.
   It is Time Server Design:  Synchronize with the WWVB Time Code.  It is
   in the Nov 2008 issue (#220).  You can buy the article at
   [1] for $1.50.  Although
   it is the opposite of what you want to do (it acts as an NTP server),
   the article has lots of useful information.
   I vaguely recall that they also had an article very close to what you
   want, possibly in 2007.  If I remember correctly it was a combination
   alarm clock/MP3 player that got the time using NTP.  If it wasn't in
   Circuit Cellar then it was in Nuts & Volts magazine
   [2] .  Nuts and Volts is more beginner
   oriented than Circuit Cellar.
   If you want a microcontroller with an OLED display look at Luminary
   Micro Stellaris LM3S811 Evaluation Kit
   html .  You can get them from Digi-Key for $49.  It doesn't have
   ethernet but it does have USB.  Add one of the internet-on-a-chip
   boards from Microchip or Wiznet and you're done.
   I just found out Circuit Cellar is sponsoring a contest with $15000
   total prize money for cool designs using the Wiznet W7100.  You can get
   an eval board with LCD display for $49.  I think it would be ideal for
   your project.
   I'm not affiliated with Circuit Cellar in any way other than as a
   subscriber.  Most of what I know about embedded systems I learned from
   reading the magazine.  They even have Time Nuts related articles:
   Microcontroller Clock-Locking:  Frequency Reference Synchronization in
   the Jan 2009 (#222).


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