My 7L18 only works in my 7704, and not in any of the two 3 slots mainframes 
7603 I had at one time... Maybe the 7603 were defective (they worked with 
regular plugins at the time, but both developed ps problems soon thereafter), 
but the 7L18 works fine in the 7704, even with another vertical amplifier 
plugged in the empty slot.

I had a picture of it on my web site, but it seems like it did not survive the 
last cleaning...


------------------------ Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless thingy while I do 
other things... 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Harris <>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 08:12:54 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement<>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] OT - Tek 7L18 ROM

Hi Dave,

That is an issue that needs to be re-emphasized.  You can't read
the EPROMS in a 7L18 without using multiple rail supplies.  +5V
alone won't do it.

Also, the 7L18 draws too much power for any of the 4 slot scopes.
In spite of what the manual says, It is designed to operate in one
frame only, the 7603.

The biggest problem I found with mine was the tantalum electrolytic
caps on the mother board kept failing.  Also there are a pair of
shottky RF diodes being used as +/- 15V power supply isolation diodes on
the YIG oscillator that fail, killing the phase lock capabilities.
They need to be replaced with some real diodes ;-)

-Chuck Harris

Dave Baxter wrote:
> If no one else has said this.
> Check the mainframe power supplies.  The 7L18 is a thirsty beast.
> If anyone can back up the rom images, well done.  It's one of the
> "classic" machines internally driven by the "Original" microprocessor,
> the Intel 4004!  The Rom's will be of a similar vintage, multi rail
> supplies etc I suspect.
> (I've only ever seen one other instrument that used a i4004 CPU, a
> Finnegan GC oven!)

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