At 12:41 PM 12/12/2009, Ian Sheffield wrote...
I can imagine this kind of debate over a soccer/hockey/insert your sport here/ team,

but on the nature of time?

unless I am missing some irony?

He's either having a very hard time stating something very obvious (and behaving as if it's insightful), or incorrectly parroting something he doesn't understand.

He claims "Time nuts do not and cannot measure time itself because time as an absolute entity just doesn't exist." That's the same as saying one can't measure distance, because space doesn't exist. Bollocks.

Alternately, he simply means there is no universal epoch for time, so just as a spacial coordinate requires a defined reference, so too does a time measurement. So, there's nothing unique about time, or our measurement of it, in that regard, and no insight. Since we live in spacetime, that's entirely expected.

He's refused to define his terms, and can't give an example of something which _is_ measurable (in units other than spacetime), so he seems simply to be arguing about angels on pinheads.

Of course spacetime exists. It's where we (and all other energymatter) live.

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