Those spikes/decays in the temperature plot are due to false readings the Tbolt 
firmware gets from the temperature sensor chip.  They are an artifact of how 
the temperature sensor works in its "high resolution" mode.  They are actually 
single sample spikes of 1C (I think) in the output of the sensor chip.  The 
reported amplitude/decay is due to the filtering the Tbolt firmware does on the 
temperature readings.

Also,  remember that the ADEV values calculated by Lady Heather are from its 
internal measurements of the oscillator and PPS signal against the 
rather-noisy-in-the-short-term GPS signal.   They tend to depart from the true 
ADEV values measured against a real external reference particularly at shorter 
values of tau (like <100 secs).

Turn on  the satellite count display (G C from the keyboard in ver 3.0).  The 
Tbolt reacts rather poorly to changes in the group of satellites that it is 
tracking.   When the tracked satellite constellation changes,  you can get big 
jumps in the osc/pps/dac signals.  

To minimize constellation changes,  set the signal level mask to a low value 
(like AMU=1.0) and the satellite elevation mask to a high value (like 25 
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