I've been a little lax in keeping my eye on the baby for over a day
but was astonished to see the display on GPSCon just a few minutes
ago. Things are usually very predictable with my EFC voltage showing a
linear downward slope but I was surprised to see that the trace showed
a very irregular upwards slope. Tracking back 36 hours I found a very
strange event and have attached traces of the various stages of this.

Trace 1 is 72 hour period.

Trace 2 is the 36h before the event.

Trace 3 covers the event.

Trace 4 covers the period after the event.

It's not easy for me to accurately select start and stop parts of the
graphs as my GPSCon window is quite small running under Wine in Linux.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
A man with one clock knows what time it is;
A man with two clocks is never quite sure.

Steve Rooke - ZL3TUV & G8KVD
A man with one clock knows what time it is;
A man with two clocks is never quite sure.

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