Bruce Griffiths wrote:
If one has a high end sound card then it could be used to implement the bandpass filter and replace the zero crossing detector. It may be necessary to insert a pilot tone to calibrate the sound card sampling clock frequency.
A noise floor of about 1E-13/Tau should be achievable.
This simplifies the DMTD system by replacing the zero crossing detector with a low gain linear preamp.

If one analyses the resultant data off line then one can also try out different techniques such as a Costas receiver rather than a simple bandpass filter plus zero crossing detector. However 1000 seconds of data for 2 channels of 24 bit samples at 192KSPS will result in a file with a size of at least 1.15GB.

First step would be to implement a real-time first-line receiver processing. Should not be too hard. Costas-loop isn't too complex to implement, but for full repeatability using the same signals for different set of parameters... but then again, it is fairly straight-forward to implement.

Using either a separate channel or FDM a reference 1 kHz (from say TADD-2 divider) should work for reference tone. A good board can be word-clock locked without too much hazzle.

Not too happy about the quality of the real-time spectrum apps I have seen.


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