I am setting up an LPRO in a steel box (for a little additional magnetic shielding). The power supply is a linear in a separate box (separate the magnetic fields). In the LPRO box is a 5V voltage reference (2 x LT1009) which is used across a pair of trim pots (coarse and fine) with two front panel jacks for a high impedance
DVM to set the frequency trim voltage f the LPRO.
The LPRO is insulated with more than an inch of foam plastic and a small fan (on the outside of the box) is used to control the 1/2 inch aluminium plate that the LPRO is bolted to to about 38*C. The temperature control is much better than 1/10 degree. Inside the box is a decimal divider with outputs down to 1Hz, and a phase detector composed of 2 D latches (CMOS) the output of which is filtered and fed to a strip
chart recorder or data logger.
I have a TBOLT connected to a decimal divider, so I can compare the phase with the LPRO. At 10kHz I get 1microsecond per month resolution ~ 2x10^12. As errors show up the trim voltage can be adjusted with the DVM by an amount that is easy to calculate. So with a bit of time and without much in the way of high precision timing gear I hope to be able to get the LPRO adjusted to the limits of its precision, and I avoid the short term
fluctuations in the TBOLT output.
After a year or so I will be able to tell you how well it works.

cheers, Neville Michie

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