The GC-1000 keeps declaring the decoding to be invalid partway through each minute. Dean's synthetic WWV gets decoded perfectly and the display turns out after 3 complete minutes. But the 100Hz level in the synthetic sounds high to me. Since your recording fades in and out (just like I hear it in LA!), I need to figure out if the clock is having trouble pulling the 100Hz tones out, or if the recording just fades too much.

I'm injecting the audio at the volume control, so this is past the AGC, so there's no compensation as the audio fades. Perhaps that's why I can't decode your audio.

Gotta pull out the schematic again and study it.


Majdi S. Abbas wrote:
On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 07:33:07PM -0800, Scott Burris wrote:
Does anyone know if there are any > 5min recordings of WWV audio available?
I'm trying to track down some problems with my Heathkit GC-1000 clock and
it sure would be nice if I could inject some known good audio
recording and see if
the clock picks up the time from that.

I've found a couple recordings by googling, but they are both too
short to be useful.

        Try this:

        (Rather noisy; WWV-5 just now; WWVH-5 in the background.)


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