Thanks Bob, As you guys mentioned its addictive ! 

I was planning to use these units as a quick frequency reference.. warm up for 
a short while and then use as reference. My GPSDO seems to be fine! I am 
comparing the GPSO with the Rb unit.. maybe the GPSO is off ?? this is a one 
clock, two clocks, three clocks comparison syndrome..

>There is a lot of data on the small FE rubidiums out there. They appear to 
>have re-packaged the same basic electronics into several different packages. 
>You may want to dig into some of the other models to get a complete idea of 
>what's going on with your unit. 
>I would not worry a lot about the trim range until the unit has been on power 
>for at least a month.
>On Feb 15, 2010, at 12:44 AM, Raj wrote:
>>        In my FE5680, I find that the trimpot for frequency adjust at one end 
>> 4.4V. The upper and lower voltages are 4.4 and 5.2 approx.
>>        Does this mean it is at the end of its life?  
>>        There is a 4750 Resistor connected to the low end of the trimpot 
>> whose value can be reduced as a solution. Any experiences?
>> Regards
>> -- 
>> Raj, VU2ZAP
>> Bangalore, India. 

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