Gerard PG5G wrote:
    Hello all,
    First post here, so I'll start with a quick introduction. I trained as
    an electronic engineer but don't work in that field any more, which has
    given me the appetite back to do some electronic engineering as a
    hobby. I have been a licensed ham for over 25 years (more than 60% of
    my life I realised the other day) and used to be rather active on HF as
    PA3DQW. At the moment I live in the UK where I am licensed as M0AIU.
    I recently designed and build a frequency counter and I need some help
    with verifying its performance. I believe it gives me 11 digits in 1
    second. I say believe because I have not got the hardware to verify
    this. At the moment my assumption is based on calculations and limited
    testing with the equipment available to me.
    My counter is a "continuous time stamping reciprocal counter". I
    implemented this as a USB powered device, with the hardware taking the
    time stamps and sending it over USB to a windows PC. Some software
    written in C++ takes care of analysing the data.
    The hardware takes 5000 time stamps per second using a high speed TDC.
    The hardware is a single PCB measuring about 50 by 80 mm. it requires
    an external 10MHz reference and apart from using this as the time base
    it also uses this for self-calibration of the TDC. The unit requires no
    further calibration.
    The PC software takes these time stamps and the associated counts and
    uses regression to calculate the slope. This slope represents the
    frequency of the input signal. I am sure people on here are familiar
    with the counters made by Pendulum, and I have to confess that their
    marketing material was helpful in putting this thing together.
    Since the hardware is true zero dead time, the final capabilities of
    this counter are determined by software. At the moment I can
    simultaneously display the input at multiple gate times (see the
    attached screen shot). For gate times over 1 second I have the option
    to use overlapping gates, so that the display gets updated every
    Because there is no dead time I can also calculate Allan Deviation. The
    two displays at the bottom of the page show both normal and overlapping
    Allan deviation at tau=10s. I am still working on the software to do
    this at multiple tau in real time and display it as a graph and a
    So, after this lengthy introduction here is my request for some
    assistance. Is there somebody on the list who can assist me in
    verifying the performance of this frequency counter? Ideally somebody
    with access to two highly stable and known frequency sources. I can
    send the hardware by mail, but if there happens to be somebody with
    this kind of gear not too far from where I am (50 north of London) I
    will travel. In exchange you get to keep the hardware and will be
    supplied with whatever software I come up with.
    Thanks in advance and regards,
    Gerard, PG5G
Are you calculating ADEV and MDEV using the slopes determined by the regression fit?
If so, what you calculate isn't ADEV or MDEV.

You need to use the raw timestamps taken at a rate of 5000/sec directly to produce estimates of ADEV, MDEV.
What is the resolution of the TDC?


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