On 2 July 2010 09:05, Paul Nicholson <vlf0...@abelian.org> wrote:
> Well now, this sure looks to me like a GPS effect.
> I think I'd better order another GPS, a different type,
> maybe a GlobalSat MR-350P, or something, for comparison.
> Recommendations?

Hello again Paul,

     I have just received an ebay notification of new items for sale
by a "favourite seller" - list member Bob Mokai, aka fluke.l in China:

Item title:      Motorola ONCORE M12+T  timing gps receiver 1pps 100hz
Item URL:     http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300440087936
Current Bid:  US $0.01(0 Bids)
Shipping:      +US $8.00
End time:      10-Jul-10 02:28:42 BST

Item title:      Rockwell jupiter GPS Module Tu30 GPS 1pps 10khz
Item URL:     http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300440087641
Current Bid:   US $0.01(0 Bids)
Shipping:      +US $8.00
End time:      10-Jul-10 02:27:01 BST

These are a couple of the common GPS receiver boards in use by
members, so plenty of documentation and experience is available.  I
think it is fair to say that several list members have bought things
from Bob, and found him friendly, helpful, and very trustworthy.

As another correspondent wrote, a Thunderbolt would be a quick "plug
'n' play" solution, but either of these GPS modules would replace your
GPS16 somewhat more cheaply.



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