Hi Stanley,

     You might also like to consider "BBC BASIC for Windows"
(http://www.rtrussell.co.uk/bbcwin/bbcwin.html), developed from the
language written for the Acorn BBC Micro in the early 80's, the
author, Richard Russell, is actively maintaining and enhancing it, and
supports a Yahoo Group where discussions and advice are shared
(http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/bb4w/).  It is priced in UK
pounds, but equates to about US$40 for the full version, or a free
version is also available for trials that is limited to 8 Kbytes
program size, and doesn't allow compilation.



On 10 July 2010 19:47, Stanley Reynolds <stanley_reyno...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> A terminal emulator like PuTTY is a good starting point to talk to PICTIC. 
> But I
> was thinking of a GUI that would appear like a virtual instrument. Buttons
> instead of the @ commands, display of various settings and data. My language 
> of
> choice is Basic looking at Just Basic now. Wonder if anyone else is thinking
> about this ?
> Stanley

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