The Trimble Thunderbolt GPS/DOs have been on a nice learning curve. Lady Heather helps alot to understand what is going on.

Checking and calibrating your freq counter to the stuff you have at work is a great idea. Just keep in mind the basic accuracy of the aade stuff, after you get back home.

For my 10 GHz transverter I use a externally boxed up ISOTEMP 10 MHz xtal bases OCXO with voltage control. Before a radio contest I will warm up the OCXO for a few days, then I measure it with a freq counter using the GPSDO as reference.
Adjusting as needed.

I do not think you can go wrong with  a Trimble T'Bolt. Cost effective fun.

Stan, W1LE

On 7/24/2010 3:32 PM, Heathkid wrote:
Hello Bob,

What would you recommend? I already have three FE-5680A Rb standards (which I'm quickly learning likely aren't worth the powder to blow them to (*insert your own word here*). Okay, that was probably my first mistake (thoughts?).

My frequency counter is one I built from a kit from that has the TCXO option (although I had to tweak it myself so I have NO idea how close it is to any accuracy or precision). I have access to some really nice HP counters at work so that's my next step is to try one of those. My DFD4 measured the output of one of my 5680A's to 10.000.007 MHz after about a 10 minute warm-up. I don't know which one is off. Reading the specs on the 5680A's before I bought them looked like they were pretty decent. I'm learning...

So, what "reasonably priced" Rb standard would you recommend?

Should my next step in this process be a Trimble Thunderbolt? Am I starting over?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Camp" <>
To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Symmetricom X72


At least looking at the spec sheet it's not really very impressive.


On Jul 23, 2010, at 11:06 PM, Heathkid wrote:

Hello.  Does anyone have any experience with the Symmetricom X72?


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