On 9/9/2010 11:57 AM, Ralph Smith wrote:
You're making the mistake of applying logic. ;) Actually, aircraft can continue to fly VFR or navigate using VOR/DME and inertial navigation. The radios are part of an ADS-B installation.
Yes, and they can make routine position reports and ATC can apply time-based sequencing for IFR traffic... see all sorts of past solutions to this problem.

VFR aircraft don't need anyone to know where they are anyway, and IFR only need it if they're being provided radar (or equivalent) separation services.

Things would work just fine after a period of adjustment, and during that period of adjustment the planes that need this kind of position determination would be grounded.

I run GPS-disciplined oscillators at mountaintop radio sites *and* am a pilot, so this thread is particularly interesting to me.

Matthew Kaufman

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